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Two Months Later....

Writer: Janet Wickes RMTJanet Wickes RMT

Hanging in there

Well, it's now officially been two months since we had to close our doors. With some businesses starting to reopen, we are patiently waiting to find out when we can see you again. We've definitely sailed past all of the "best case" dates we had in mind but that's OK. Sometimes it's best to accept the things you cannot change. We will continue to do our part to stop the spread and open only when it's safe to do so.

Preparing for Go

At this point, we're preparing by researching ways to keep everyone safe, gathering necessary supplies and establishing procedures for when we reopen.

Although we have not been officially informed of our requirements, we've been keeping a close eye on what other provinces have been up to. We want to get you thinking in terms of what that will look like. Some things to consider will be the use of masks and hand sanitizer, waiting in your car instead of the waiting room, bringing payment forms other than cash and possibly limited appointment lengths temporarily.

We will be sure to keep you informed as we get more information.

Take Some Time

We are so fortunate to have such fulfilling careers and we are looking forward to returning to them. We miss working for the same reasons as most people but....... there's more. Nothing beats seeing you walk out feeling much better than when you came in and we truly miss that. That can mean different things for different people. Whether you came in with a throbbing headache, a muscle spasm in your back or just needed to quietly zone out for an hour, one of the BEST parts about booking a massage is that that time is all about YOU. Our job is to listen and help you feel better. We're there and all, but you're the show.

So here's a question for you...Do you have that time right now? If you haven't had a moment like that in over two months because you haven't been able to book a massage, try finding one. We won't be bossy and tell you how to do that and we don't mean to add something to your "to do" list, but at least think about it. Grab a coffee, hop in your car and go stare at some water or a field for 20 minutes if that works for you (Janet may have tried this one lol). And don't forget, we are still here for you. Please don't hesitate to reach out with your questions or to ask for suggestions for home care.

We still care and we still like helping :)

All the best

- Janet & Alyssa


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